Home / Lunch and Learn / What does the statistic mean, and how to improve quality - 20 Jun 2024 - 12:30pm

What does the statistic mean, and how to improve quality - 20 Jun 2024 - 12:30pm

In the midst of an assessment revolution driven by AI and a transition to structured objective questioning, our upcoming webinar aims to shed light on the statistical underpinnings that ensure the quality and reliability of assessments. We'll explore the critical role of statistical analysis in enhancing the validity of tests and exams, providing a foundational understanding for educators and assessment professionals alike.

What We'll Cover:

  • An introduction to the various analysis factors provided by assessment systems, including item analysis and overall test results, and how they can be used to improve test quality and reliability.
  • Insights into understanding basic test and item data to enhance question quality, support candidate feedback, and inform teaching and learning adjustments.
  • How facility and discrimination reports contribute to fairness and effectiveness in assessments.
  • The significance of standard deviation, test duration, and other crucial test statistics in ensuring a fair and balanced assessment process.
  • Practical guidance on interpreting and applying statistical data to improve assessment quality, including the use of tools like SPSS or Excel for deeper analysis.

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